The PearlThese plans for teaching The Pearl by John Steinbeck are designed for a basic 9th grade English class. The pace is slow and measured. The paper [test] and the other writing exercises are part of an overall plan to develop writing skills through the school year. Return to the: Teaching Literature page |
V. Unit Twelve- Novels The Pearl John Steinbeck in Types of Literature. A. Chapter 1. Read the first 3+ pages out loud as a class. 1. Notes: Poor people, note evidences of poverty. Indian ( not specifically stated yet), ancient magic and more recent "Hail Mary's" 2. Finish chapter 1 as homework. B. Quiz #1 on chapter 1 1) What happens at the doctor's? Why? 2) What else did you learn? Discuss concept of "songs" and racial issues and themes: Songs of family, people, evil. Types of vibe songs i.e. song of English class, health class, biology class, your own family, Florence, Mapleton. Racial issues- Spanish and Indian reflected in many countries and cultures i.e. black and white in America, Serbs and Croats, etc. Assign p. 617-625 [8 pages per day] C. Quiz #2 1) What does Kino think that the giant pearl will do for him? 2) How is the pearl actually affecting his life? Notes: Compare lottery winners. How do people change, and those around them? Assign p. 625-633. Reading and notes **Computer Group Writing [PearlGp1.En1] For Computer writing groups: 1 editor, 1 typist, 4 writers.. D. Notes: Questions for groups 1) Would a doctor poison Coyotito? Why? 2) Who is the first thief? 3) How do the people change toward Kino because of the pearl? 4) How and why does Juana look at the pearl differently than Kino? or Why does Juana think that the pearl is evil when Kino does not? Assign p. 633-641. E. Quiz #3 1) Describe the pearl buyers. (� page+) Assign p. 641-649. F. Notes: Books by Steinbeck and their titles. 1. Of Mice and Men from Robert Burns' "Ode to a Mouse." "The best laid plans of men gang aft aglay." 2. The Grapes of Wrath from the book of Revelation in the Bible. The stored up wrath of God in the Bible is compared to the stored of wrath of the people in this book. *Compare with Kino's wrath as a "down-trodden" indian. 3. The Pearl. Related to the parable of the pearl of great price in the Bible. There the pearl represents a beneficial religion, good for the life of the buyer who sell all for the pearl. It contrasts with Kino who gives almost all for the pearl and it is not beneficial to his life. Does the pearl represent a materialism that causes him to forsake the sound foundations of his own culture? or? ******************* v.45-46 (New Testament- Matthew 13:45-46) Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. ******************** Assign p. 649-654 [End]. FOCUS ON: IDEAS AND CONTENT. Computer group writing: [PearlGp2.En1] To be done at the end of the reading- just before the test, 2 days! 1) Why does Kino strike Juana? Why doesn't she protest? 2) When and why does Kino first know the old life is gone? 3) How does Kino's brother feel toward him? 4) Identify the trackers. G. Unit test- (PearlTs2.En1) FOCUS ON: ORGANIZATION AND CONVENTION. *********************** NAME __________ Class _________ Date ____ Period ______ The Pearl (PearlTs2.En1) 5/31/93 Write a paper in class for a test grade. This is called an impromptu paper and it is similar in form to others that you have done. The following is a sample paper. You can use it for writing notes on. Staple it to the front of your paper when you turn it in. The paper should be written in ink on one side of the paper. Skip lines. Think quietly for five minutes before you begin writing. You can use the notes you took in class. Good luck. INTRODUCTION: Kino and Juana were the main characters in The Pearl. A lot of things happened to them during the story such as _________ and _____ . I think they were _________ and __________ type of people because they did ___________ and ________. 1st Paragraph: Some things that happened to Kino and Juana were ________ and ______. The most important happened when ______ and _____________. 2nd Paragraph: Kino and Juana were ___________ and _____________ type of people. This was shown when they ________ and __________ during _____ _________. 3rd Paragraph: NOTES: [*John Steinbeck calls The Pearl a parable (a story with message). It relates to a parable in the Bible where a man sells all the material things that he has for a good religion that brings a happy life] Kino's "purchase" of the pearl was different than the Bible pearl because he paid ___________ for it and he got __________ instead. CONCLUSION: The things that happened to Kino in The Pearl such as _________, __________, and ________ taught me about how people act. I learned _________________ and ______________ from reading about him and his life. If I win a large amount of money I will _________ and ____________.