The English Teacher

      Welcome to my website. I first began working on The English Teacher website when I was sitting in my office looking at notebooks full of resources that I had built up. Then I thought of later years of materials on the computer, and considered how I didn't want these materials just to sit there unused after I retired. I had spent a lot of time thinking about teaching and learning how to do it. Why waste it?

      So I created The English Teacher website, and added my material to it for five years while still teaching. Now, after 32 years of teaching, I have retired and have added further materials to the website. My goal after I retired was to be able to teach new English teachers. I hope with this webpage I am in some way achieving this goal.

Leif Danielson       I have tried to add those things that are not easily found in textbooks. I feel that they do a great job at what they have done, and I want to supplement where I might have something original to add. The materials have been added with the purpose of enabling a teacher to teach better. The goal is to provide techniques and materials that can be adapted to another's classroom, personality, and perhaps even culture. I think that there may be such a thing as the "universal teacher," that we all have things in common, a love and care for our students, and the desire to help them grow and be healthy.

      Thanks for dropping by, and please leave a comment as you wish to.

Leif Danielson


© Leif Danielson